Developers can use their existing skills and reuse code and libraries that have been built. NET based applications that run on Android phones and tablets. Mono for Android v.1.8 Mono for Android enables developers to use Microsoft™? Visual Studio™? to create C# and.Resxedit v.2009.06.20 resxedit is a basic tool for first edit all text/string in a Microsoft Visual Studio Resx file, as it you are abble to give it to all translator of a VS or Mono.It is an easy-usable, object-oriented, compiled, stable, fast and modern programming language written. It is related to Visual Basic® and Objective-C. Objective-Basic for Mac OS v.1.0 A powerful BASIC programming language for Mac, which is simply intuitive and fast easy to learn.(Development for the 1.1 framework based version has ended.).